IAT Test

As humans, we always want to think the best of ourselves and our in many cases blind to our flaws/mistakes whether intentional or unintentional. When I saw my results I was ashamed to see that I did in fact have a slight bias on one of the tests, but I am not entirely surprised. Although I do always try and educate myself on various topics in order to be more aware of other people and injustices in general, it is easy to remain extremely sheltered as a white straight female in a comfortable living situation with my family. For me these biases are very subconscious and I don’t believe that they are very apparent to others. But I hope that by being aware of the biases I have through tests like these and by having conversations with others, I will be able to become as unbiased as possible when it comes to people that are similar or not similar to me. I don’t know if it is possible to entirely get rid of these biases, but I hope that by educating myself and others that they can be limited as much as possible and willy potentially allow for more equality for all.