IAT Response

The results for my implicit bias test were pretty much what I was expecting, just not to the extreme that they determined. The results showed that I have a “strong” automatic preference for one group of people over another. This categorization of “strong” makes me feel a little uneasy for sure even though I definitely trust the results of the test and the methods that go into it. Maybe this is just my preexisting bias speaking, but even as I was taking the test I felt almost led towards one end of the spectrum of opinions than the other. My test was comparing two groups of people and also using vocabulary associated with good and bad things. The test started with relating the group of people that I more closely relate to and know more about in general with the good words. By the time I got to the section of the test that related the second group of people to the bad words, it felt like it was already ingrained in my habit of taking the test that I would associate the good words, no incorrectly, with the first group of people. The longer I spent with the test the more it felt like I was overthinking everything and psyching myself out! But maybe that was just my bias showing up 🙂