Event Post 1: Simon Sinek-Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

I watched a TED talk by speaker Simon Sinek called, “Why good leaders make you feel safe.” I really enjoyed his speech. He basically talked about why he believes that leaders should be more than just authority figures; that “leadership is a choice. It is not a rank.” In his message he points out altruistic figures such as Mother Theresa and Gandhi. I believe he chose those figures specifically because they are ultimately altruism incarnates. They exemplify sacrifice and selflessness which are qualities that humanity should attempt to achieve and aspire to have. He says that good leaders worry about others before they worry about themselves.

He goes on to correlate this with the workforce and why employees trust their bosses (leader) with their job and not only count on them to make the best choices for the company but for them as well too. He connects this with the example of the army and how troops are expected to follow their leaders into battle and trust their decision-making skills with their lives. So in his speech he explains why organizations should make their employees feel safe because that is key characteristic of a leader. He then goes on to describe that in the business world, people are awarded bonuses for sacrificing others for their own benefit. This method are not characteristics that will truly inspire people to follow. This shows that the real dangers of humanity is injustice and lack of empathy towards another person. 

Link: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-good-leaders-make-you-feel-safe-simon-sinek