Reading Response 4/19

This reading was very inspirational, especially the one about people using the power they have. I think sometimes people feel that they are too small of a person to impact change, and this stops them from trying all together. Goska explained how important it is to stop wishing that we had more power and actually use the power that we have. Her stories were about little acts that had real effects in the lives of people. I love the idea power is not about big sweeping acts, but rather small acts of kindness. What may seem like a small favor may mean so much more to the person receiving it. I thought it was particularly interesting that she said she envies selfishness. This is not something that I had ever thought about. To go about one’s life without worry about helping others or fixing problems certainly seems easier. However, I do not think the world would be better off if everyone was like this. It is more important that they embrace the small powers they have, because this sis the kindness that defines humanity.

Zinn’s reading told similarly inspiring stories. It is nice to think that there are good, caring people exist everywhere. And, what’s more, these are the people that need to come together to create massive change. What he says about overcoming “crumbling of institutions” is obviously extremely relevant to the world today. It is hard to not be short sighted and easy to be pessimistic, but this is exactly what Zinn warns against. Focusing only on the bad things would create a world much worse than the one we believe we deserve. This ties to what Kushner says about facing the end of the world. We want to be able to end knowing that we have created the best version of what we can be, knowing that we have done all we can to improve ourselves. I think striving for this perfection is the reason society progresses as it does. This part of the reading was extremely poetic. As a whole, the reading was helpful to remembering how and why to stay optimistic and kind during situations as grave as this one seems.

5 thoughts on “Reading Response 4/19

  1. Kostro Montina

    I agree. In my reading response I wrote something similar to yours. I believe the reason why people feel they are too small a person to impact change is because in our society “fitting in” is more valued than standing out or even standing for something.

  2. Megan Brooks

    I agree. Impact starts on a small scale. This reminds me of things like weight loss and working out. The goal seems so far away, but everyday you are making tiny steps that make a huge impact.

  3. Imani Mustaf

    I found the reading to be super inspirational as well. I think people think they are too “small” because of how big the world is and societal pressures. I also found the idea of envying selflessness to be intriguing too.

  4. Nikhil Mehta

    I also think that the readings didn’t dismiss the importance of large actions, but rather showed how larger movements are made of a lot of these smaller actions. We aren’t incapable of these larger actions, but we have to start with the smaller ones to get there.

  5. Emma Cannon

    I wrote something similar to what you said, and I think it’s a really important point to remember, especially right now. It’s inspiring to keep in mind that you don’t need to make some sweeping gesture in order to make a change and be a positive force in the world – rather the opposite.

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