Favorite 2008 Republican Ad – Broken

When looking at recent presidential elections, the 2008 election stands out to me. Obama and McCain were both considered outsiders in their own ways. Obama was young and generally new to politics and McCain was considered a maverick, not always following party lines when voting. I appreciate this ad, “Broken” in support of McCain because it calls out this outsider position of McCain, which I believe was one of his stronger personal attributes.

Additionally, the ad functions as a form of attack ad. Rather than attacking Obama, it is attacking corruption with government. Which, in turn, is attacking the current political system and politicians in general. I like this twist on a typical attack ad because it is finding a common enemy and using it as a way to promote characteristics about yourself while not attacking your opponent who shares many of those same characteristics.

Further, a lot the aspects that McCain points out as having corruption (the prior administration (Bush), big oil, Wall Street) tend to have direct or indirect ties to the Republican party. In pointing out the corruption in them, the American people can see how McCain would work on both sides of the aisle. He is not bound to the ideologies or interests of the Republican party despite being their nominee. I believe that emphasizing this works well in relating to the electorate because many Americans do not fit neatly into one political party over the other. As the political system gets more polarized in the United States, those individuals have less politicians that they can identify with. McCain gave them a politician to put their trust into. In doing so, the ad successfully playing into American ideals of freedom through putting America first before any political party.

2 thoughts on “Favorite 2008 Republican Ad – Broken

  1. Esmi

    It’s smart how they leave the audience with the phrase “The Original Maverick” because it increases the chances of the ad being memorable. Even if they don’t remember the examples the narrator gives, it establishes the association of John McCain= independent-minded.

  2. Katharine Encinas

    I agree that it is a very smart strategy on McCain’s account. Typically, election ads seem to highlight the polarization that exists in politics. I think it is not only smarter, but more ethical for a candidate to highlight their strengths rather than tear down opponents. The ad used smart strategies to do this.

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