Favorite Ad

One of my favorite ads happen to be a Thai life insurance commercial. I remember when I was younger and I saw this ad in passing on Facebook and it was the first thing that came to mind. The message in this ad is heartwarming and it does an amazing job at moving you to tears because of how powerful the message is. This ad gets you to think and was inspiring to watch. So I think that commercials should go for this type of approach. It went to show how the little things always counts and how much you can make an impact and have an influence in someone else’s life.

It doesn’t matter whether you are the the poorest or the richest, but your attitude towards life and the things in life is what has meaning. Your attitude is what impulses you in how you want your life to be. That ultimately, in the end, in life it all comes down to being happy. By loving, respecting and helping others we’ll be able to achieve our main and only goal in this life, which is happiness. That is the life worth living.



One thought on “Favorite Ad

  1. Ellen Curtis

    I agree that it is a very touching ad and does play into that emotional aspect. I do, however, think that it is too long. An ad really cannot hold my attention for 3 minutes. I think that ads are better if they are short and fast-paced.

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