Implicit Bias

I received a score that was very unexpected. I received a score that I am proud of. I have suffered from GAD for several years and if you met me in high school I believe one would assume that I was a jittery emotional reck. However, after years of work and learning, I feel as if I have a greater grasp on my life, more control and a better ability to be who I want to be and not who I feel like I have to be. The results indicated that my “data indicate what we call a strong implicit association of Self with Calm over Anxious” and I “ received this result because you were much faster to respond when “Self” was paired with “Calm” than when “Self” was paired with “Anxious.” 

However, as a psychology major, I have taken the Implicit Bias Test many times and I do not like it. I feel it is more an assessment of hand-eye coordination and eye-tracking. I feel as if implicit bias is complex and these tests are misleading.

One thought on “Implicit Bias

  1. Anna Marston

    I respect your results and argument that the Implicit Bias test definitely has flaws with regard to its eye-tracking and hand-eye-coordination, as these are things I don’t feel I have. How do they measure these skills with implicit bias? I’d definitely be interesting in learning more about the test itself.

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