Implicit Bias Test

I was surprised by my test results.  I have taken two other implicit bias tests in the past which have both given me a bias towards one side that I was testing myself on.  I find these tests very difficult because of my learning differences and have not always thought of them as accurate results for myself because I make so many mistakes throughout the whole test and get very confused when taking them.  However, this was the first time that I got no bias results and had equal implicit association.  This is not to say that I have no implicit biases and maybe my past results have been accurate, I just get so confused during these tests I don’t feel like my results are representative always.

2 thoughts on “Implicit Bias Test

  1. Emily Anastos

    I also have a hard time understanding the science behind the nature of these tests. I feel like the order of the groups attached to the “E” or “I” key can have an impact on how my results turn out because of muscle memory. Also, I feel like results would vary based on how tired I am? I feel like I need to read a breakdown of the science behind this.

  2. Sophia McWilliams

    I agree with your comments on the test and I wonder how truly accurate they are. However, what are other ways of determining implicit bias? Would maybe a paper test be more accurate? I also am wondering if frustrations with the test would cause people to disregard their results and not engage in further conversation about implicit bias. I know that I disregarded my results that revealed by bias towards associating women with family because I did not think that this result was indicative of how I truly feel and act. Therefore, what if everyone disregards their results? Would this shut down conversation? What would be the best ways to get accurate results that do not cause disengagement?

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