IAT (Age)

I took the implicit bias test for age and I am not really that surprised by the results that I got. I got that I have a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. This is an implicit bias that is held within American society and, given my age, it makes sense to me that I would also adhere to it. The main thing that I found interesting about the test is the questions that it asked before hand. It asked about what age others perceive you to be, what age you wish you were, and how old you wish to live to (among other things). For how old I wish to live to, I answered truthfully and put 100 years old. Upon getting the results of the test back and realizing that the results did not surprise me, I decided that this is a contradictory belief of mine. I should not wish to live to be 100 years old while also holding this preference for younger people. However, I wonder how much of the preference has to do with my current age and if I were to take this test again at 50 years old if my results would be different.

One thought on “IAT (Age)

  1. Caitlyn Lindstrom

    I think you have an interesting point to question whether your preferences would change as you grow older, and I would hypothesize that your preferences would change to reflect favoritism toward your age group. It makes me think of political party divides across age demographics; it seems obvious that there is going to be more support by a certain age depending on the policy being advocated by that party. This is really just a reflection of altering preferences because certain issues are going to be favored more by those who take advantage of the policy/program.

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