I took two implicit association tests. The first one was tested associations between tax breaks or social programs and good or bad. My data from the first test suggested a moderate automatic association between social programs and good. This result did not surprise me because I am definitely very much in favor of social programs. If anything, I would have expected a strong automatic association. I will say that it felt like for a lot of the test I was always having trouble going in between keys, which I understand is part of how they test for association, but I feel like this could be skewed just by slow response times in general. The second test I took was the one Dr. Bezio mentioned in class about a preference for either Gay people or Straight people. On this test, my responses suggested a strong automatic preference for Gay people over Straight people. I am a little bit surprised by the results of this test. I can totally see myself having a preference for Gay people, but as someone that identifies as straight, I would have expected the preference to be more moderate. I feel like I have a preference for Gay people because their political beliefs are frequently in line with mine and they are more tolerant and accepting of others.