Implicit Biases

I wasn’t surprised with the results of my implicit bias test. I think that’s mostly because I’ve taken implicit bias tests (but not these exact ones) before and have discussed implicit biases at length in some of my classes. I personally think the most important thing regarding implicit biases is understanding that every single person has them and that they do not make a person inherently good or bad. We can’t control our implicit biases and the initial judgements we make about others, but we can control how we respond to those snap judgements. By being cognisant that we all have these biases, we can place ourselves in a position to combat them and readjust our thought patterns to be more understanding and welcoming of others who we may be implicitly biased against.

2 thoughts on “Implicit Biases

  1. Joseph Walton

    I argued a similar point on not being able to control our implicit biases, and agree that although we cannot control them, we are able to keep them to ourselves, or as you said respond to them and try to be conscious of them. I also think there is a major difference between implicit biases and normal biases where the two should not be mixed up.

  2. Marisa Daugherty

    Implicit biases are something that people generally cant help having but just because you have this bias doesn’t mean you need to act on it. I agree with what you said that we need to identify our implicit biases and actively fight against those but at the same time it is not ok to make choices based on these biases. In order to fight these implicit biases, one needs to actively make the choices to change the way that they think and behave.

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