Equal Justice Initiative Sources

Reports: Equal Justice Initiative. (2018). Retrieved from https://eji.org/reports

This source is a website published by the Equal Justice Initiative that details a series of case studies and reports that the EJI has published. These reports explain the type of work the EJI does as well as in-depth examples that build off of those discussed in Just Mercy. They include reports on judicial misconduct, lynching, and children being sentenced to life in prison. Each page has a summary as well as a link to a longer report. These reports, while likely not peer reviewed, do have good data as well as citations, providing clear explanations of the different issues. Not only will these reports help to further explain what the EJI does, but they are good evidence of both the transparency and good sources of the publications of the charity that can be analyzed.


(2012, March). Bryan Stevenson: We Need to talk about an injustice. [Video file]. Retrieved from


This link is to a TED talk given by Bryan Stevenson. The TED talk both provides more information on Stevenson and the leadership role he serves, but is also good evidence of how the Equal Justice Initiative works to get their mission into the public eye. In the TED talk, Stevenson discusses issues such as mass incarceration and the history of these types of issues. This source will provide good background information, as well as evidence to analyze the leadership of the organization.


Equal Justice Initiative Annual Report 2017 [PDF]. (2018). Retrieved from  https://eji.org/files/EJI-Annual-Report-2017.pdf

The 2017 Annual Report for the Equal Justice Initiative summarizes the mission, goals, and implementation of the Equal Justice Initiative. It details the work they do on lynching research, education, advocating for both children and for those on death row, and inhumane prison conditions. The report also includes the staff and some of the events they sponsored in 2017, as well as pictures that illustrate the type of work they do. This report will be helpful in analyzing the organizational identity. It clearly lays out what they plan to do, how they have or will accomplish it, and any results they have achieved. It is also a good example of both the transparency of the organization and the type of publications they produce.


Toobin, J. (2016, August 22). The Legacy of Lynching, On Death Row. The New Yorker. Retrieved from https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/08/22/bryan-stevenson-and-the-legacy-of-lynching

Jeffrey Toobin’s article describes the efforts the Equal Justice Initiative has made with death room inmates as well as with their work on lynching memorials. This in-depth profile will help to further provide history into the Equal Justice Initiative and what they do. The article focuses on both Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative, which will be useful for both the organizational identity and leadership sections of the paper.


The Innocence Project. (2018). Retrieved from https://eji.org/reports

The website for The Innocence Project will be helpful as it is a similar charity that will be able to be compared to the Equal Justice Initiative. The Innocence Project is similar to the Equal Justice Initiative in that it was founded by lawyers and works to reform the criminal justice system. This organization focuses on the use of DNA evidence to overturn wrongful convictions. The similarities between the two organizations will help to evaluate the effectiveness and overall organizational identity of the Equal Justice Initiative.