Current Thoughts Giving Games

As time has continued in this project, I continue to support our choice of Partners in Health to receive the donation from Jepson. Using MacAskill’s book to evaluate our charity, I can say that I am very impressed with the effectiveness and transparency of the charity across the board. That is what makes this charity so different from the rest. Based on the material that we have covered for class and our in-class discussions, PIH meets all the needs of requirements of a charity that is most effective. One of the most important things that we have found while researching this charity is its overall transparency on its website, particularly in regards to their allocation of funds and their goal as a company. This transparency allows potential donors to see exactly what kind of charity that they are putting their money into, and how it will be used in the future. The website also does an incredible job of detailing what they have done/plan to do in the future in the countries that they work with, which is also incredibly important because it shows not only how the organization has been successful in their endeavors so far, but their potential to improve.

The research that we have done has only strengthened my belief that PIH is deserving of the Jepson donation. There are multiple reputable websites that only speak highly of PIH as an organization. One of those reputable sources is Charity Navigator which has rated the charity as a 5-star charity. In the area of cost-effectiveness, it is clear that PIH has been successful in dividing their funds. According to Charity Navigator, which has received its information directly from PIH, the company spends 91.5% of their funds directly on their programs expenses, while roughly 3.7% of the funds go to administrative expenses. This is important to note, because it is clear that the organization is dedicated to using their funds to aid people, rather than providing over exorbitant salaries to their workers.

Partners in Health also gives its funds to those who are really in need. It works with providing the poorest of the poor with healthcare opportunities that otherwise would not be available to them. PIH is really involved with improving the overall quality of life of these individuals. Our resources have also provided success stories of the charity in different countries, for example there was an article about the successes of the company in Rwanda and how they have helped to rapidly improve the healthcare system. They have allowed for many of the citizens to be treated and have worked to fight diseases that used to take out large populations in Rwanda, thus allowing them to start researching/treating other diseases that they used to not have time for- for example cancer. There was also an article about a university that PIH has founded that is dedicated to educating those on the issue of health, and using a principle of health equity to work to overcome issues of global health. It is important to see how PIH continues to work to improve the quality of life of the individuals that it works with, and that they are providing not only physical opportunities to better people’s lives, but an educational aspect as well.