Category: Tips

How do I hide student grades? An alternative

Back in July, I wrote a post on how to make students’ grades unavailable while you’re updating them. But what if you’d like students to see their scores for individual assignments, but hide the final grade column until after you’ve submitted your grades? Today, I present you with steps to hide an individual column in Grade Center from students.

In Grade Center, click the double-chevron symbol and select Modify Column.

Scroll down to Step 4, Options.

Select No next to Show this column in My Grades.


And there you have it. Students won’t see the weighted total (or the column you’d like hidden) until you change that radio button to a yes.

How do I hide student grades?

An SCS faculty member recently asked, “How do I hide Grade Center entries from students while I’m updating grades?” Great question as the summer semester comes to an end! Follow these steps to restrict student access to their grades until you’ve finished grading everyone.

Go to Control Panel.

Click Manage Tools.

Click Tool Availability.

Uncheck the box next to My Grades.

When you’ve finished grading and want student access to grades restored, repeat this process. In the last step, make sure the box next to My Grades is displayed.

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