Sick and tired of hearing students “save” instead of “submit” their digital dropbox files? With Blackboard 8, you can create assignments, which students submit and can then be accessed from Grade Center, and remove the Digital Dropbox functionality altogether. This eliminates the excuse of, “I thought I sent it to you…” When in actuality, the student saved the assignment but forgot to hit “submit.”
Disabling the Dropbox:
This is rather simple. In the Control Panel under Manage Tools, select Tool Availability. Uncheck the box under Available next to Dropbox.
Creating an Assignment:
In the desired content area, go into Edit Mode. (You can get there from the Control Panel, too.) On the drop-down menu, click +Assignment. Fill out the form fields on the following page, and once you hit Submit, your assignment appears in a column in the Grade Center.
Viewing a Submitted Assignment:
In Grade Center, find the column containing assignments to be graded. When a student has submitted an assignment, you’ll see a white exclamation point surrounded by a green box. Click the down arrow and select Grade Details. When you get to the next screen, under Actions click View Attempt.This screen will let you view the student’s comments and attached files, and will let you provide feedback to the student.