
Sharon G. Feldman is Associate Dean for Division I (Arts, Languages, and Cultures). She holds the William Judson Gaines Chair in Modern Foreign Languages and serves as Professor of Spanish and Catalan Studies in the Department of Latin American, Latino, & Iberian Studies. Her expertise lies in the realm of theatre and performance from the Iberian Peninsula, both modern and contemporary. Currently, she is in the final stages of completing a groundbreaking book that examines the North American trajectory of the theatre of renowned Catalan playwright and poet Àngel Guimerà (1845-1924). Guimerà’s theatrical works, adapted into English, enjoyed a continuous presence on stages and screens throughout the United States and Canada during the early twentieth century. In addition to her research, she is an accomplished translator of contemporary Catalan drama. She has translated over 30 Catalan plays into English, contributing to the dissemination of Catalan literature on an international stage. Her expertise and contributions have earned her the distinction of “corresponding member abroad” of the prestigious Royal Academy of Letters of Barcelona. As Associate Dean, she plays a vital role in supporting faculty in the arts, languages, and cultures. She also oversees the hiring of contingent faculty, as well as curriculum changes within the School of Arts & Sciences. Recent highlights include her collaboration with the Department of English to establish a new major in Creative Writing and spearheading the A&S Books & Roses Celebration, a new tradition showcasing the publication of faculty books in the School of Arts & Sciences.

As a specialist in theatre and performance from the Iberian Peninsula, much of her scholarship has been animated by an interest in how contemporary theatre artists and practitioners in Spain, subject to varying dictatorial forces, have moved between the center and the periphery, between the margins of exile and the recesses of memory, to a position of visibility and legitimacy. Her interest in artistic dissent naturally led her to Catalonia (specifically, the city of Barcelona), and the process of recuperation, revival, and relegitimization of Catalan theatrical life that ensued there in the wake of the Franco dictatorship. She is currently preparing a book examining the work of modern Catalan dramatist Àngel Guimerà, one of Catalonia’s most celebrated writers, and the backstory – the reception, circulation, and production histories – of two of his most celebrated plays, which were adapted into English and enjoyed a continuous presence both in theatrical and cinematic form throughout North America between 1903 and 1916. She is a “corresponding member abroad” of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona and is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.


Sharon G. Feldman, nascuda a Nova York, és doctora en Estudis Hispànics per la Universitat de Texas a Austin. També ha cursat estudis a la Universitat de Nova York (NYU) i la Universitat de Pennsilvanià. Actualment és catedràtica al Departament d’Estudis Llatinoamericans, Latins i Peninsulars a la Universitat de Richmond (Virgínia), on ocupa la William Judson Gaines Chair in Modern Foreign Languages i s’especialitza en arts escèniques contemporànies. És autora, entre altres, d’Alegorías de la disidencia: El teatro de Agustín Gómez-Arcos (Institut d’Estudios Almerienses, 2002),  A l’ull de l’huracà: Teatre català contemporani (L’Avenç, 2012; Premi Serra d’Or de Catalanística, 2010) i Els límits del silenci: La censura del teatre català durant el franquisme (amb Francesc Foguet, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2016) i coeditora de Barcelona Plays (Martin E. Segal Theatre Center/The Graduate Center-CUNY, 2008), un recull d’obres teatrals catalanes traduïdes a l’anglèsParal·lelament, desenvolupa una extensa tasca com a traductora de textos dramàtics catalans d’autors de la talla de Carles Batlle, Sergi Belbel, Josep M. Benet i Jornet, Lluïsa Cunillé, Josep M. Miró o Pau Miró, alguns dels quals han pujat a escenaris d’Alemanya, Anglaterra, Canadà, els Estats Units i Irlanda. Ha format part del Grup de Recerca en Arts Escèniques de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i és membre corresponent a l’estranger de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona.

Contact: sfeldman@richmond.edu