Kyle Sheehan
FYS 100 Section 50 – Social Utopias
Dr. Watts
October 18, 2015
Assignment: Self Reflection
While looking through the papers I have written this semester thus far, I found
multiple strengths, weaknesses, and changes in my writing style and technique. I would
consider the greatest weakness in my writing to be my topic sentences. My greatest
strength as well as my biggest change throughout my writings lies in my ability to
analyze the text. I can attribute this new found skill to what I have learned from our first
year seminar class.
Throughout my papers, I have noticed a pattern of weak topic sentences to start
my paragraphs. Topic sentences should accurately and effectively represent what will
be included in the paragraph to follow. In a few of my writings, my topic sentences failed
to explain the paragraph they precede. In one of my earlier response papers I began a
paragraph with “Justice is by far the most prominent discussion point spoken about in
the republic” (Response Paper 2 p1 line5). This sentence is despite its relation to the
thesis and paper, did not in anyway roadmap the paragraph that follows it. This flaw in
my writing technique was first pointed out to me in the one-on-one meetings to review.
After looking through and analyzing my other works, I have noticed it occurring multiple
times throughout my response papers and essay. This is definitely something I intend to
improve upon over the rest of this semester as well as my next writing assignment.
The greatest improvement in my writing is in my ability to analyze the text. In my
earlier response papers and writing assignments from this semester, many of my
citations were simply general interpretations of the text. However, as my writing and my
ability to analyze the readings progressed, my citations became more detailed and
stronger. Instead of citing pages and interpreting the idea in a general sense, I began
citing sentences and breaking down the text on a sentence to sentence basis. This
allows for a deeper understanding of the text. I feel that the first real essay, my latest
writing assignment, was my strongest in terms of analyzing the text. Most citations were
citing a couple of lines as opposed to a paragraph or full page. Another improvement I
have noticed in my writing style is my ability to introduce quotes. In my earlier response
papers some quotes seemed out of place and poorly related to the rest of the paragraph
or sentence such as the block quote in my third response paper. However, in my more
recent essay and response papers, the quotes are all introduced smoothly and relate
well to the rest of the sentence.