A utopian society is created so that people can live in harmony and equality. Kallipolis is a utopia because it exudes these qualities through specific practices such communal living, job assignments, and family organization. In order to enforce these policies The structure of there needs to be some sort of a ruler. A philosopher-king is the perfect person to take on that role. A good philosopher is honest, intelligent, wise, dedicated and thoughtful. Philosophers live by excellent moral character so there is no doubt that as king a philosopher would keep an entire city on the right track. As discussed throughout Republic a utopia would be founded completely based on justice. A philosopher-king would truly be able to enforce this justice. Philosophers are dedicated to finding the truth in everything so a philosopher-king could proceed over any disputes about jobs, family-life, or lifestyle because he would know the truth and the right way to settle the conflict.
Kallipolis as a utopia, was created by Socrates and his fellow philosophers to maintain a just and equal society. Socrates explains, “They should have common messes to go to, and should live together like soldiers in a camp” (101-102). In making this suggestion Socrates is describing the specific method for enforcing equality in Kallipolis. In addition to these uniform living conditions there is also no private property in the city so there is no ability for any person to possess more than another person. This only works because the guardians are so passionate about their city that they are ok living this life of equality. They are smart enough to realize that material goods are meaningless and that this lifestyle creates the most good for the most people which in turn creates the happiest city possible.
Each individual in Kallipolis is content because each person is assigned to a job that they are good at. “Every other citizen, too, must be assigned to what naturally suits him, with one person assigned to one job so that practicing his own pursuit, each of them will become not many but one, and the entire city thereby naturally grow to be one, not many” (107). When people work on jobs that suit their talents they are both more engaged and more productive. There are so many jobs that must be completed to keep the city functioning but that is good because everyone is good at different things. If people work hard at the things they are good at the whole city will flourish. The population’s overall satisfaction with their jobs allows an air of happiness to float through lives of people in Kallipolis.
Another way that Kallipolis maintains harmony is through their family structure. They practice a way of life where everyone is related and each person in their generation is their brother or sister. People can be with whoever they want and children have every adult as their parents. In this practice everyone treats each other with the love and respect of someone in their family because they consider themselves one big family. This structure generates more love and allows children to learn parental wisdom from so many intelligent parents. This nurturing environment promotes equality and love which keeps the city going.
Works Cited
Plato. Republic. (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2004)
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Jessica Nadel