A social utopia is a society founded on the idea that every individual should have equal possessions while also maintaining a harmonious environment. It must be formed voluntarily and it must have the goal of creating a happy way of life. In any society there are two important components to life, which are survival and happiness. In order to establish a sustainable society they must adapt to a more primitive and modest lifestyle.
The physical composition of the village is important for understanding how the village will function. It will be a modest village in the middle of the forest. The reason this village is to be situated in the woods is so that the community has access to natural resources which they will live off of. Families will live in wood and straw huts all circling around a central village meeting spot. The central meeting spot is where communal tasks like cooking and cleaning are done and it is also where social events will take place. This central set up promotes a strong sense of sharing and community.
In order put a utopia to practice the community must abandon all modern inventions and practicalities and revert to a much simpler way of life. Modern inventions and possessions make equality an impossibility, so to live in harmony technology will have to be abandoned.
Everyday jobs will be completed on a rotating cycle. Each month the adults will rotate around and complete their newly assigned jobs. These jobs will be essential for survival like chopping firewood, hunting, picking fruits, fishing, repairing broken huts, watching the children, cooking , cleaning etc. Each of these jobs will be done to benefit the entire village so for example the people who cook make food for the entire village to eat together. Making each job a necessity keeps each person incentivized to work hard. Another benefit of the rotation schedule is that it does not leave time for people to get bored with their jobs. With this simple but important system the society will easily be able to survive.
Social activities will also take place daily in the center of the village. These pleasurable activities will give people time to focus on their happiness. In order to maintain equality and a modest lifestyle these fun activities will not involve material items. People in the village can socialize, sing, dance, play games, have intellectual discussions and exercise. Although these activities are more simple, they are less materialistic and will give villagers simple joys.
A social utopia is so popularly praised and admired from a far but it is seldom put into practice. The issue is that people are always ambitious and looking for more “stuff” to give their lives meaning. The truth is that if the “stuff” is eliminated than people can find so much more in their lives. With appropriate job coordination and time allocated for recreation this social utopia will be a successful model for an equal and harmonious society.