How does the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” accurately describe camphill and in what ways does that make camphill a utopia?
The Camphill Special School is part of the National and international Camphill movement. Its a community where kids with special needs can live, learn, and have fun together, while growing and improving both mentally and socially. Although separated from their parents, these kids constantly have people around them that love and care about them. They are constantly surrounded by support networks and people that want to help them succeed and become the best versions of themselves possible. This, in my opinion, is what makes The Camphill Special School a utopia. Greg Ambrose, President of the school in 2014, writes “At Camphill, ‘it takes a village’ isn’t just an expression; it’s a way of life. Students, coworkers, and staff live together, work together, and learn together forming an actual village…its not something they just talk about. Its not just a concept. The children’s village is real”. The entire community lives together and becomes a family, where everyone is looking out for everyone else in the community. They all work together to provide for the common good and ensure the wellbeing of every child in the village. Camphill provides students with disabilities the opportunity to find a place they belong and to be educated like everyone else. No one is discriminated against or told what they cannot achieve and everyone is given the same opportunities. This group of people, who are constantly overlooked by society, are receiving the attention they need and deserve. Greg Ambrose says that his son, who attended the school, “matured and developed exponentially during this time” and “learned new skills and developed a level of confidence”. This is what the Camphill Special School tries to accomplish with every kid, and they so often see these “small miracles”. Ambrose concludes by saying, “It takes a village to raise a child, and the Camphill Children’s Village is a living, breathing, and joyous example of how meaningful and successful this type of learning environment can be”. With its true community way of life, combined with the goals of the school, Camphill is the perfect example of a real utopia.
Ambrose, Greg. “It’s a Way of Life.” Camphill Special School. Novermber 5,
- Accessed November 15, 2015.