Further Reading


We recommend the following books, essays, and podcasts for those interested in exploring the topics highlighted by this exhibiton.


John Reid Blackwell, “Cigarette Making Still Going Strong in South Richmond.Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 30, 2013.


Daniel Bluestone, “Tobacco Row: Heritage, Environment, and Adaptive Reuse in Richmond, Virginia.Change Over Time 2, no. 2 (2012): 132–54. (Paywalled)


Allan Brandt, The Rise, Fall, and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America. New York: Basic Books, 2009.


Brian Burns, Lewis Ginter: Richmond’s Gilded Age Icon. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2011.


Counter Tobacco Podcast, Episodes 1-15, August 15, 2017-April 27, 2020, Countertobacco.org.


Claire Comey, “Altria and Tobacco Industry Maintain Years-Long Ties to UR.The Collegian, January 24, 2018.


Philip Joseph Deloria, Playing Indian. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.


Nan Enstad, Cigarettes, Inc.: An Intimate History of Corporate Imperialism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.


Peter Galuszka, “Marlboro Countries.Style Weekly, March 18, 2009.


Ashley Graham, “University Maintains Long-Running Relationship with Philip Morris.” University of Richmond Collegian, April 17, 2008: 10.


Gregor Hens, “The Last Last Cigarette.The New Yorker, December 1, 2016. Follow this link for more New Yorker essays on smoking.


Augusta V. Jackson, “A New Deal for Tobacco Workers.The Crisis, October 1938: 322-324. 


Keep it Sacred.” National Native Network. 


Harry Kollatz, Jr. “Lee in the Field.Richmond Magazine, June 7, 2019.


Richard Love, “In Defiance of Custom and Tradition: Black Tobacco Workers and Labor Unions in Richmond, Virginia 1937–1941.Labor History 35, no. 1 (1994): 25–47. (Paywalled)


Sarah Milov, The Cigarette: A Political History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019.


Ted Poston, “The Making of Mama Harris.” New Republic, November 4, 1940: 624-626.


Blain Roberts, “A New Cure for Brightleaf Tobacco: The Origins of the Tobacco Queen during the Great Depression.Southern Cultures 12, no. 2 (2006): 30-52. (Paywalled)


Ethan A. Schmidt, The Divided Dominion: Social Conflict and Indian Hatred in Early Virginia. University Press of Colorado, 2015.


Drew A. Swanson, A Golden Weed: Tobacco and Environment in the Piedmont South. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014.


Glen Szczypka et al, “Working to Make an Image: An Analysis of Philip Morris Corporate Image Media Campaigns.Tobacco Control, 16, no. 5 (2007): 344–350. 


Tobacco Control Milestones: State of Tobacco Control,” 2020 American Lung Association. 


Tobacco Town,Richmond Magazine. May 22, 2019-June 3, 2019.