Journal Articles
- Lookingbill. T.R., K.P. Warren, J.C. Haley, E.G. Malcolm, L.J. Powell, S.M. Starr, S.M. Witiak, M.J. Wolyniak, & B. Zizzamia. 2025. Virginia Heat Watch: Collaboration to assess climate vulnerability at local to regional scales. Urban Climate, 59, 102252.
- Braun, P., T. Lookingbill, B. Zizzamia, J. Hoffman, J. Rosner, & D. Banta. 2024. A heat emergency: Urban heat exposure and access to refuge in Richmond, VA. GeoHealth, 8, e2023GH000985.
- Lookingbill, T., J. DuPuy, D. Jacobs, M. Gonzalez, & T. Kostadinov. 2024. A 20-year ecotone study of Pacific Northwest mountain forest vulnerability to changing snow conditions. Land 13, 424.
- Lookingbill, T., E.S. Minor, C.S. Mullis, G.C. Nunez-Mir, & P. Johnson. 2022. Connectivity in the urban landscape (2015–2020): who? where? what? when? why? and how? Current Landscape Ecology Reports 7, 1-14.
- Lookingbill, T., & T. Dolson. 2022. Am I my brother’s (river)keeper? The ripple effects of a community-based stream restoration. Public: A Journal of Imagining America 7(1)
- Saverino, K, E. Routman, T. Lookingbill, A. Eanes, J. Hoffman & R. Bao. 2021. Thermal inequity in Richmond, VA: The effect of an unjust evolution of the urban landscape on urban heat islands. Sustainability 13, 1511.
- Eanes, A., T. Lookingbill, J. Hoffman, K. Saverino, & S. Fong. 2020. Assessing inequitable urban heat islands and air pollution disparities with low-cost sensors in Richmond, Virginia. Sustainability 12, 10089.
- Lookingbill, T. & Smallwood, P., 2020. Landscapes of war permanently altered topography is one of the casualties of war, but battlefields can also be of “collateral value.” Natural History, 128(2): 22-27.
- Suarez-Rubio, M. & T. Lookingbill. 2016. Forest birds respond to the spatial pattern of exurban development in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA. PeerJ 4:e2039
- Jawarneh, R., J. Julian, & T. Lookingbill. 2015. The influence of physiography on historical and future land development changes: A case study of central Arkansas (USA), 1857-2030. Landscape and Urban Planning 143:76-89. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.06.010
- Kostadinov, T. & T. Lookingbill. 2015. Snow cover variability in a forest ecotone of the Oregon Cascades via MODIS Terra products. Remote Sensing of Environment. 164:155-169. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.002
- Courtenay, C., & T. Lookingbill. 2014. Designing a regional trail network of high conservation value using principles of green infrastructure. Southeastern Geographer 54:270-290. doi:10.1353/sgo.2014.0023
- Lookingbill, T., E. Minor, N. Bukach, J. Ferrari, & L. Wainger. 2014. Incorporating risk of reinvasion to prioritize sites for invasive species management. Natural Areas Journal 34:268-281.
- Lookingbill, T., J. Schmit, S. Tessel, M. Suarez-Rubio, & R. Hilderbrand. 2014. Assessing national park resource condition along an urban-rural gradient in and around Washington, D.C., USA. Ecological Indicators 42:147-159.
- Brickle, M., T. Lookingbill, & K. Engelhardt. 2013. Proposing new barrens National Natural Landmarks. George Wright Forum 30:253–260
- Suarez-Rubio, M., S. Wilson, P. Leimgruber, & T. Lookingbill. 2013. Threshold Responses of Forest Birds to Landscape Changes around Exurban Development. PLoS One 8(6): e67593 . doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067593
- Suarez-Rubio, M., T. Lookingbill, & L. Wainger. 2012. Modeling exurban development near Washington, DC, USA: Comparison of a pattern-based model and a spatially-explicit econometric model. Landscape Ecology 27:1045-1061 doi:10.1007/s10980-012-9760-1
- Carruthers, T., S. Carter, T. Lookingbill, L. Florkowski, J. Hawkey, & W. Dennison. 2012. A habitat-based framework for communicating natural resource condition. ISRN Ecology vol. 2012, Article ID 384892, doi:10.5402/2012/384892
- Suarez-Rubio, M., T. Lookingbill, & A. Elmore. 2012. Exurban development derived from Landsat from 1986 to 2009 surrounding the District of Columbia, USA. Remote Sensing Environment. 124:360-370 doi:10.1016/j.rse.2012.03.029
- Lookingbill, T., R. Gardner, J. Ferrari, & C. Keller. 2010. Combining a dispersal model with network theory to assess habitat connectivity. Ecological Applications 22:427-441.
- Minor, E. & T. Lookingbill. 2010. A multiscale network analysis of protected-area connectivity for mammals in the United States. Conservation Biology. 24:1549-1558.
- Lookingbill, T., A. Elmore, K. Engelhardt, J. Churchill, J. Gates, & J. Johnson. 2010. Influence of wetland networks on bat activity in mixed-use landscapes. Biological Conservation 143:974-983.
- Lookingbill, T., S. Kaushal, A. Elmore, R. Gardner, K. Eshleman, R. Hilderbrand, R. Morgan, W. Boynton, M. Palmer, & W. Dennison. 2009. Altered ecological flows blur boundaries in urbanizing watersheds. Ecology and Society 14: 10.
- Hopfensperger, K., K. Engelhardt, & T. Lookingbill. 2009. Vegetation and seed bank dynamics in a tidal freshwater marsh. Journal of Vegetation Science. 20: 767-778.
- Ferrari, J., T. Lookingbill, B. McCormick, P. Townsend & K. Eshleman. 2009. Surface mining and reclamation effects on flood response of watersheds in the Central Appalachian Plateau region.Water Resources Research 45, W04407.
- Minor, E., S. Tessel, K. Engelhardt, & T. Lookingbill. 2009. The role of landscape connectivity in assembling exotic plant communities. Ecology 90:1802-1809.
- Ferrari, J., & T. Lookingbill. 2009. Initial conditions and their effect on invasion velocity across heterogeneous landscapes. Biological Invasions 11:1247-1258.
- Townsend, P., T. Lookingbill, C. Kingdon, & R. Gardner. 2009. Spatial pattern analysis for monitoring protected areas. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1410–1420.
- Vogt. P., J. Ferrari, T. Lookingbill, R. Gardner, K. Riitters, & K. Ostapowicz. 2009. Mapping functional connectivity. Ecological Indicators 9:64-71.
- Gardner, R., T. Lookingbill, P. Townsend, & J. Ferrari. 2008. A general approach for rescaling land cover data. Landscape Ecology 25:513-526.
- Lookingbill, T., S. Carter, B. Gorsira & C. Kingdon. 2008. Using landscape analysis to evaluate ecologic impacts of battlefield restoration. ParkScience 25:60-65.
- Hopfensperger, K., C. Soykan, & T. Lookingbill. 2008. The quest for an ecological post-doc. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:49-50.
- Lookingbill, T., R. Gardner, P. Townsend & S. Carter. 2007. Conceptual models as hypotheses in monitoring urban landscapes. Environmental Management 40:171-182.
- Ferrari, J., T. Lookingbill & M. Neel. 2007. Two measures of landscape-graph connectivity: assessment across gradients in area and configuration. Landscape Ecology 22:1315-1323.
- Carter, S., G. Mora-Bourgeois, T. Lookingbill, T. Carruthers & W. Dennison. 2007. The challenge of communicating monitoring results to effect change. George Wright Forum 24:48-58.
- Dennison, W., T. Lookingbill, T. Carruthers, J. Hawkey & S. Carter. 2007. An eye opening approach to integrated environmental assessments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:307-314.
- Lookingbill, T. & D. Urban. 2005. Gradient analysis, the next generation: Towards more plant-relevant explanatory variables. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1744-1753.
- Pierce, K., T. Lookingbill, & D. Urban. 2005. A simple method for estimating potential relative radiation (PRR) for landscape-scale vegetation analysis. Landscape Ecology 20:137-147.
- Lookingbill, T., N. Goldenberg, & B. Williams. 2004. Understory plants as soil moisture indicators in Oregon’s Western Cascades old-growth forests. Northwest Science 78:214-224.
- Lookingbill, T. & D. Urban. 2004. An empirical approach towards improved spatial estimates of soil moisture for vegetation analysis. Landscape Ecology 19:417-433.
- Lookingbill, T. & D. Urban. 2003. Spatial estimation of air temperature differences for landscape-scale studies in montane environments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 114:141-151.
- Urban, D., S. Goslee, K. Pierce, & T. Lookingbill. 2002. Extending community ecology to landscapes. Ecoscience 9:200-212.
- Lookingbill, T. & M. Zavala. 2000. Spatial pattern of Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens recruitment in Pinus halepensis dominated woodlands. Journal of Vegetation Science 11:607-612.
Book Chapters
- Lookingbill, T., T. Carruthers, J. Testa, W. Nuttle, & G. Shenk. 2010. Environmental models: Providing synthesis, analysis, simulation, and prediction. Pages 133-148 in Integrating and Applying Science: A Handbook for Effective Coastal Ecosystem Assessment. IAN Press, Cambridge, Maryland. 236 pp.
- Lookingbill, T., G. Sanders, S. Carter, B. Best, B. Longstaff, & J. Hawkey. 2010. Program design: Developing a comprehensive data strategy. Pages 167-186 in Integrating and Applying Science: A Handbook for Effective Coastal Ecosystem Assessment. IAN Press, Cambridge, Maryland. 236 pp.
- Lookingbill, T., M. Rocca, & D. Urban. 2010. Focused Assessment of Scale-Dependent Vegetation Pattern. Pages 111-138 in C. Drew, Y. Wiersma, and F. Huettmann, eds., Predictive Species and Habitat Modeling in Landscape Ecology. Springer, New York. 313 pp.
- Lookingbill, T., J. Schmit, & S. Carter. 2012. GRTS and graphs: Monitoring natural resources in urban landscapes. Pages 361-380 in R. Gitzen, J. Millspaugh, A. Cooper and D. Licht, eds. Design and Analysis of Long-term Ecological Monitoring Studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Lookingbill, T., R.H. Gardner, L.A. Wainger, C.L. Tague, & M. Suarez-Rubio. 2013. Landscape Modeling, Reference Modules in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780124095489.
- Lookingbill, T. & K. Browne. 2016. Biodiversity and carbon content of trees on a university campus. Chapter 14 in D. Cowen, ed. STEM and GIS in Higher Education, ESRI Press, ISBN: 9781589484481.
- Lookingbill, T. & P. Smallwood. 2019. Collateral values: The natural capital created by landscapes of war. Chapter 1 in Lookingbill, T. & P. Smallwood (eds) Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
- Sibilia, C., G. Carter, & T. Lookingbill. 2019. Registering English battlefields: The constructive conservation of historic environments. Chapter 3 in Lookingbill, T. & P. Smallwood (eds) Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
- Lookingbill, T., E. Minor, & E. Wainger. 2019. The ecosystem service impacts from invasive plants in Antietam National Battlefield, USA. Chapter 5 in Lookingbill, T. & P. Smallwood (eds) Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
- Smallwood, P. & T. Lookingbill. 2019. Battlefields and borderlands: The past and future of collateral values. Chapter 12 in Lookingbill, T. & P. Smallwood (eds) Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
- Lookingbill, T., K. Meitzen, and J. Julian. 2021. Riverscapes. Chapter 21 in R. Francis, J. Millington, G. Perry, & E. Minor (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. Routledge, London.
Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. 2019. Editors: T.R. Lookingbill and P.D. Smallwood
Warfare and related military activities have intensive, long-term, negative impacts on the environment. But sites of past human conflict also present potential opportunities for conservation and restoration. We provide an approach to valuing military landscapes based on the ecosystem services that they provide. These services are often underappreciated because the benefits gained from this natural capital are not the primary reason for the protection of the sites. We describe these services as collateral values, drawing on the military concept of collateral damages. Case studies presented include military battlefields, demilitarized borderlands, and potential peace parks. Specific conflicts include the American Revolutionary and Civil Wars, the Great European Wars, and recent engagements in Cuba, Afghanistan, and the Korean Peninsula. We suggest that the increased recognition of the multiple values of these unique landscapes should lead to their increased protection and careful management to preserve and promote the diverse services that they provide.
Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment. 2010. Editors: B.J. Longstaff, T.J.B. Carruthers, W.C. Dennison, T.R. Lookingbill, J.M. Hawkey, J.E. Thomas, E.C. Wicks, J. Woerner
Vast areas of the globe’s coastal zone have experienced significant declines in ecosystem health. Deteriorating water quality, loss and alteration of vital habitats, and reduced populations of fish and shellfish are some of the major changes recorded. Establishing and running an effective assessment program is a complex process that necessitates strategic collaboration and partnerships between many individuals and agencies. This book was written to make the process of running a coastal assessment program easier and the outcomes more effective. It provides a step-by-step approach from data collection and information management to synthesis and application and draws on the knowledge of a variety of coastal scientists and managers. Sub-sections of the book focus on Community Engagement to Identify and Solve Environmental Challenges, Integrating Information from Communities to Build Practical Knowledge, and Latest Methods in Gathering and Analyzing Knowledge for Coastal Assessments.
Published Conference Proceedings
- Brickle, M., Lookingbill, T., & K. Engelhardt. 2014. Proposing New Barrens National Natural Landmarks. Pages 17-23 in Weber, S. (ed.) Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2013 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites. George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan.
- Lookingbill, T., K. Engelhardt, A. Elmore, S. Tessel, & J. Churchill. 2010. Wetland networks in National Capital Region Parks: Enhanced inventory for Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. Pages 297-304 in Weber, S. (ed.) Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World Proceedings of the 2009 GWS Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites. George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan.
- Florkowski, L., W. Dennison, T. Lookingbill, T. Carruthers, J. Hawkey, & S. Carter. 2008. Developing integrated assessments for National Capital Region Network Parks: An example from Rock Creek Park. Pages 62-67 in Weber, S. & D. Harmon (eds.) Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World Proceedings of the 2007 GWS Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites. George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan.
Technical Reports
- Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2019. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, N. Bukach, M. Latimer, K. Ratliff, R. Gifford, J. Baek, M. O. Hubert, A. Rizzo, & B. Walsh. Prepared for Natural Resource Report NPS/HATU/NRR—2019/1897. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Evaluation of Bear Rocks Plateau, WV for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2019. Prepared with N. Somerville, C. Sibilia, D. Kitchen & K. Engelhardt. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, National Park Service, Gettysburg, PA.
- Fort Monroe National Monument: Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2018. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, C. Geraghty, N. Hatchel, & D. Kitchen. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/FOMR/NRR—2018/1604. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Booker T. Washington National Monument Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2017. Prepared with H. Courtenay, J. Finn, R. Gifford, N. Hatchel, M. Mulroy, A. Pericak & M. Rouch. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/BOWA/NRR—2017/1558. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Analysis of Potential Fragmentation Impacts of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Proposed Route: Buckingham, Nelson, Augusta, Bath, and Highland Counties in Virginia and Randolph and Pocahontas Counties in West Virginia. 2017. Prepared for Southern Environmental Law Center, Charlottesville, VA.
- Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2017. Prepared with S. Costanzo, B. Walsh, A. Fries, S. Spitzer, J. Hawkey, V. Vargas, B. Webb, S. Easby, C. Goelst, & M. Rouch. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/SHEN/NRR—2017/1429. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Evaluation of Albany Pine Bush, NY for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2013. Prepared with M. Brickle & K. Engelhardt. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. July 2013.
- Petersburg National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2013. Prepared with B. Miller, J. Madron, J. Finn, & A. Valenski. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/PETE/NRR—2013/704. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Protecting Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife. 2013. Prepared with A. Elmore. Chapter 5 in Recommended Best Management Practices for Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Maryland. Eshleman, K. & A. Elmore (eds). Prepared for Maryland Department of the Environment. Baltimore, MD.
- Colonial National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2012. Prepared with C. Bentsen, T. Carruthers, S. Costanzo, W. Dennison, C. Doherty, S. Lucier, J. Madron, E. Poppell, & T. Saxby. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/COLO/NRR—2012/405.
- Evaluation of the Ice Mountain Cold–Air Producing Talus Slope, WV for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2011. Prepared with K. Engelhardt & J. Mayfield. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. February 2011.
- Evaluation of the Nottingham Park Serpentine Barrens, PA for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2008. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, L. Florkowski, J. Churchill, & L. Ashley. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. January 2008.
- Enhanced Wetland Inventory For Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. 2007. Prepared with S. Tessel, K. Engelhardt, A. Elmore, & J. Churchill. Prepared for Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, NPS. August 2007.
- Remote Sensing and Landscape Pattern Protocols for Long-term Monitoring of Parks in the National Capital Region. Prepared with P. Townsend & R. Gardner. Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS. September 2005.
- Conceptual Ecological Models. 2005. Chapter 2 in Monitoring Plan: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service. Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS. December 2005.
- A Conceptual Basis for Natural Resource Monitoring: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service. 2005. Prepared with W. Dennison, J. Hawkey, S. Carter, & T. Carruthers. Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS. September 2005.
- Toward a Method for Quantifying Human Non-Cancer Health Risks: Risk of Superfund-Related Exposures and Potential Risk Reduction Benefits of Site Remediation. Prepared with E. Ruder & E. Toy. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. September 1997.
- Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the January 19, 1996 North Cape Oil Spill. Prepared with M. Donlan, M. Huguenin, M. Curry, J. Michel, & D. French. Prepared for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. December 1996.