

Journal Articles

Book Chapters


Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War. 2019. Editors: T.R. Lookingbill and P.D. Smallwood

Warfare and related military activities have intensive, long-term, negative impacts on the environment. But sites of past human conflict also present potential opportunities for conservation and restoration. We provide an approach to valuing military landscapes based on the ecosystem services that they provide. These services are often underappreciated because the benefits gained from this natural capital are not the primary reason for the protection of the sites. We describe these services as collateral values, drawing on the military concept of collateral damages. Case studies presented include military battlefields, demilitarized borderlands, and potential peace parks. Specific conflicts include the American Revolutionary and Civil Wars, the Great European Wars, and recent engagements in Cuba, Afghanistan, and the Korean Peninsula. We suggest that the increased recognition of the multiple values of these unique landscapes should lead to their increased protection and careful management to preserve and promote the diverse services that they provide.

Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment. 2010. Editors: B.J. Longstaff, T.J.B. Carruthers, W.C. Dennison, T.R. Lookingbill, J.M. Hawkey, J.E. Thomas, E.C. Wicks, J. Woerner

Vast areas of the globe’s coastal zone have experienced significant declines in ecosystem health. Deteriorating water quality, loss and alteration of vital habitats, and reduced populations of fish and shellfish are some of the major changes recorded. Establishing and running an effective assessment program is a complex process that necessitates strategic collaboration and partnerships between many individuals and agencies. This book was written to make the process of running a coastal assessment program easier and the outcomes more effective. It provides a step-by-step approach from data collection and information management to synthesis and application and draws on the knowledge of a variety of coastal scientists and managers. Sub-sections of the book focus on Community Engagement to Identify and Solve Environmental Challenges, Integrating Information from Communities to Build Practical Knowledge, and Latest Methods in Gathering and Analyzing Knowledge for Coastal Assessments.

Published Conference Proceedings

Technical Reports

  • Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2019. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, N. Bukach, M. Latimer, K. Ratliff, R. Gifford, J. Baek, M. O. Hubert, A. Rizzo, & B. Walsh. Prepared for Natural Resource Report NPS/HATU/NRR—2019/1897. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Evaluation of Bear Rocks Plateau, WV for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2019. Prepared with N. Somerville, C. Sibilia, D. Kitchen & K. Engelhardt. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, National Park Service, Gettysburg, PA.
  • Fort Monroe National Monument: Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2018. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, C. Geraghty, N. Hatchel, & D. Kitchen. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/FOMR/NRR—2018/1604. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Booker T. Washington National Monument Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2017. Prepared with H. Courtenay, J. Finn, R. Gifford, N. Hatchel, M. Mulroy, A. Pericak & M. Rouch. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/BOWA/NRR—2017/1558. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Analysis of Potential Fragmentation Impacts of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Proposed Route: Buckingham, Nelson, Augusta, Bath, and Highland Counties in Virginia and Randolph and Pocahontas Counties in West Virginia. 2017. Prepared for Southern Environmental Law Center, Charlottesville, VA.
  • Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2017. Prepared with S. Costanzo, B. Walsh, A. Fries, S. Spitzer, J. Hawkey, V. Vargas, B. Webb, S. Easby, C. Goelst, & M. Rouch. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/SHEN/NRR—2017/1429. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Evaluation of Albany Pine Bush, NY for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2013. Prepared with M. Brickle & K. Engelhardt. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. July 2013.
  • Petersburg National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2013. Prepared with B. Miller, J. Madron, J. Finn, & A. Valenski. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/PETE/NRR—2013/704. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Protecting Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife. 2013. Prepared with A. Elmore. Chapter 5 in Recommended Best Management Practices for Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Maryland. Eshleman, K. & A. Elmore (eds). Prepared for Maryland Department of the Environment. Baltimore, MD.
  • Colonial National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment. 2012. Prepared with C. Bentsen, T. Carruthers, S. Costanzo, W. Dennison, C. Doherty, S. Lucier, J. Madron, E. Poppell, & T. Saxby. Prepared for Natural Resources Condition Assessment Program, NPS. Natural Resource Report NPS/COLO/NRR—2012/405.
  • Evaluation of the Ice Mountain ColdAir Producing Talus Slope, WV for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2011. Prepared with K. Engelhardt & J. Mayfield. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. February 2011.
  • Evaluation of the Nottingham Park Serpentine Barrens, PA for its Merit in Meeting National Significance Criteria as a National Natural Landmark. 2008. Prepared with K. Engelhardt, L. Florkowski, J. Churchill, & L. Ashley. Prepared for National Natural Landmark Program, NPS. January 2008.
  • Enhanced Wetland Inventory For Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. 2007. Prepared with S. Tessel, K. Engelhardt, A. Elmore, & J. Churchill. Prepared for Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, NPS. August 2007.
  • Remote Sensing and Landscape Pattern Protocols for Long-term Monitoring of Parks in the National Capital Region. Prepared with P. Townsend & R. Gardner. Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS.  September 2005.
  • Conceptual Ecological Models. 2005. Chapter 2 in Monitoring Plan: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service. Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS. December 2005.
  • A Conceptual Basis for Natural Resource Monitoring: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service. 2005. Prepared with W. Dennison, J. Hawkey, S. Carter, & T. Carruthers.  Prepared for Inventory & Monitoring Program, NPS. September 2005.
  • Toward a Method for Quantifying Human Non-Cancer Health Risks: Risk of Superfund-Related Exposures and Potential Risk Reduction Benefits of Site Remediation. Prepared with E. Ruder & E. Toy. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  September 1997.
  • Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the January 19, 1996 North Cape Oil Spill. Prepared with M. Donlan, M. Huguenin, M. Curry, J. Michel, & D. French. Prepared for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. December 1996.