Idea and Metaphor-Construction of Nominal Phrase Used to Express Idea

By Eric Houdek 

Alright, for assigning our statement to the meaning of the play, I think there are a few crucial factors we must consider€¦

-Willy Loman followed the American dream, and it failed him. 

-Willy Loman believed that all a man needed to succeed was to be well liked by his peers.  This belief failed him as well as his son Biff.

-Biff Loman realized that his father and his family were common people, not destined for greatness. 

-Although Happy Loman says that Willy did not die in vain, it is clearly evident that he did.  Willy Loman sacrificed his life to get some meaning out of it by obtaining it for his son Biff so he can "make it big," when Biff shows no intentions of doing so.  In fact, he plans on moving out West.  It is not even clear at the end of the play if the $20,000 is honored. 

-Do to his dependence on his belief that all a man needs is to be liked by everyone to succeed, Biff fails to reinforce many key values in his sons.  Willy fails to discourage his children from stealing, and fails to place a value in hard work and respect for women. 

-There is a great emphasis on this play placed on delusion. 

-Hopefully this information will help us to brainstorm about the nominal statement identifying the idea in the play…