POP – McCroskey
Issue: The Misuse of Technology in Classes The prevalent problem in history classes is the misuse of technology, which is often seen as a substitute rather than an enhancement. This misuse hinders the potential for deeper learning and understanding.
My focus will be on how educators can go deeper into delivering assessments through multimedia or collaborative assignments that could foster differentiation. I aim to avoid traditional paper and pencil assessments and create an environment where students feel empowered to showcase their knowledge through various platforms. The first step would have to be to get students to become more knowledgeable about using their school-issued Chromebooks. Too often, school divisions give students laptops and do not teach them how to use them and the tools at their disposal. Through workshops, tech check-ins, and ongoing digital literacy programs, students would become more knowledgeable. Once those skills are in place, students can showcase their knowledge by integrating multimedia and interactive elements, fostering digital citizenship and historical ethics, incorporating primary sources and historical documents, and creating learning paths using computer tools. This would be an ongoing process throughout the school year and would be divided into sections of the school year.
1st semester: Chromebook knowledge
2nd semester: Learning the different platforms
3rd semester: Showcasing their understanding of using the different tools to fit their educational needs
4th semester: Embracing grading students through differentiated technology-based project learning.