PD Model – McCroskey
Stuart McCroskey
PD Model
- Title: Wevideoing Your Way Through History!
- Topic/Focus: WeVideo, a software that allows users to audio record and edit for podcast purposes
- Goals:
- Understanding of the software and how it is used for educational purposes
- Assessing performance based on WeVideo-making abilities
- Staff and students will become familiar with the WeVideo software
- Enhance student participation and engagement in historical information
- Staff will provide the success criteria for podcast projects to foster critical thinking and creativity in students.
- General Overview: WeVideo is a video editing platform that allows users to create, edit, and share videos online. It is designed for both beginners and more experienced users and provides a range of features to accommodate different skill levels.
- Delivery plan:
- First nine weeks: The social studies curriculum specialist will introduce the software to teachers during the teacher work week. Teachers will watch a presentation about successful historical WeVideos and the students’ interest in making videos and podcasts. Teachers in common content-planning groups will be introduced to the software throughout the first nine weeks. Teachers will be required to work on becoming more familiar with the software over the nine weeks and researching successful podcast strategies for the eventual implementation. The “goal” for the end of the nine weeks is for the teachers in each common content area to become familiar with the software and understand how they might implement it in their classroom.
- August—Teachers will be introduced to WeVideo and will understand its basic applications and importance in the classroom. This session will act as a workshop and address any questions the teachers may have.
- September – Teachers will work with common content teams. Start brainstorming ideas for future lessons, and keep a running Google document of ideas. Continue to understand the application and what other features do as well. Contact the department chair for any issues or questions associated with the application. The curriculum specialist will provide resources, videos, and support for further instruction.
- October – Common content teams will get more serious about addressing needs and applications. Teams will begin researching primary and secondary sources to use. Teams will submit a draft of their script to their department chair and curriculum coordinator for approval of their rough draft script.
- Second nine weeks: During the second nine weeks, teachers must create a lesson plan using the WeVideo software and share their lesson with their department chair. During this period, the county content specialist will conduct an additional (optional) PD session for teachers struggling with the application. This PD session will be after school on a weekday before the winter break.
- November—Teachers will work to finalize which subject/unit they would like to use for their sample lesson plan. They will also improve their recording and audio skills. Teachers will submit their first audio recordings to their departments to show/listen to at the first department meeting of the month.
- December—The common content teams focus on creating a lesson plan using the software. This must be submitted to the department chair before the end of the nine weeks. A PD workshop will also be held for those struggling with the software. The anticipation is that not many will attend, and it will be more of a specialized session. Happy Holidays!
- January—Teachers should by now be familiar with the software (how to create, edit, and add audio) and comfortable enough to make a WeVideo on their own. Before the end of the month, teachers will lead a discussion with their classes about podcasts/videos and surveys to gauge their interest level. Teachers will use this data to see how actively their students listen and participate in podcasts or videos.
- Third Nine Weeks— During the third nine weeks, the teachers will have their students familiarize themselves with WeVideo and learn how to make them. The goal is to teach the students how to become acquainted with the software so that their end-of-the-year project will be completed to emulate the proper components of a functioning podcast.
- February—Teachers will assign groups of students to listen to various short historical WeVideos and complete a writing assignment. These videos will be brief and only three minutes in length; the purpose of these videos is to showcase how to present historical information and get straight to the point. In the following assignment, students will showcase their understanding of the material, present their opinions, and analyze how effective the podcast was in showcasing the historical information. This will be an opportunity for the students to continue to become familiar with podcasts.
- March— At the start of the month, 1 -2 class periods will be dedicated to exploring the software with the help of the county content curriculum coordinator. These “workshops” will allow the students to have hands-on experience with the software and troubleshoot any issues they may have. By the end of both sessions, students will become familiar with podcasting basics, audio recordings, editing, and creating WeVideos. Before Spring Break, students must work in groups of 2 -3 and make a “short” project using the WeVideos software for podcasts or videos. Whatever unit the students are in, they will have to create a news anchor podcast that provides historical information and a first-hand account of what is going on in that event. This will count as a minor grade, but it will showcase to the teachers of the student’s knowledge of the software and what else they need to work on before their end-of-the-year projects.
- Fourth Nine Weeks—Students will be introduced to their end-of-year project, which involves making a comprehensive podcast or video of up to 30 minutes focusing on one of their favorite units. This assignment will count as their end-of-year assessment. The assessment will be graded on their historical knowledge of the material and ability to create, edit, produce, and publish a compelling WeVideo. There will be another optional PD session for teachers struggling with introducing the WeVideo tools and address any questions students or teachers may have. Depending on the interest level, this will be in person or via ZOOM, depending on the feedback and responses.
- April—Students will be introduced to their end-of-year project and can work on it independently or with a partner. Students will be given time throughout the month to brainstorm and work with their partners or teachers about specific project pieces. By the end of the month, students should have a basic idea of what they want to do for their project. Teachers will submit a summary of each class participation and what is working well or not to the curriculum coordinator for review. Depending on the level of responses from the teachers, a PD session or ZOOM session might happen.
- May—Teachers and students should finish their coursework for the year in the first week of May. For the remaining three weeks of the year, students will work on their end-of-year projects in workshop settings during the remaining class periods. During these class periods, teachers will assist students and collect independent data on how the project is going and how receptive the students are to this assessment form. The curriculum coordinator will stop by one to two times to check student progress and formally and informally ask students about their projects and how they think they are going. By exam week, students should have finished their project and be ready to submit it to their teachers as their final grade. On exam day, teachers will grade their final products. At the same time, students complete surveys and evaluation forms about how they thought the school year went, what they liked about the end-of-the-year assessment, and what they would change about the presentation or assignment in the future. Students will be encouraged to go into great detail to provide educators insight into how they can perfect their practices in the future.
- June – Before teachers embark on their summer plans, all teachers associated with the assessment will be asked to attend a morning PD workshop, where breakfast and drinks will be provided for all participants. The same keynote speakers from the beginning of the year will start the sessions with some speeches and thank everyone for participating in the WeVideo activity. Afterward, teachers will be instructed to sit at circular tables with other teachers of similar subjects but from different schools. Prompts will be provided to lead discussions, but teachers will be expected to talk about how it went in their classes and share their experiences (good/bad) with the group. Before they can leave, teachers must fill out a questionnaire about the assessments. Teachers can write as much or as little information as they would like, but all information will be helpful to make this activity better in the future. Lead personnel will be available for exit interviews for teachers who want their voices heard more at the end of the session; all other teachers can leave the workshop after completing it. The county and the specialists will take the data and see if it is worth trying to do again the next school year or refine/redirect a new technology-based initiative for the future.
- Model:
- ISTE Standards for Students: Standards 1,4 & 6
- ISTE Standards for Teachers: Standards 1,4,5 & 6
- PD 45 points