Preparation, September 3, 2024

Please complete the following prior to class on Tuesday, September 3, 2024:

Blog Post: Draft your technology autobiography

Think about what the tech world looked like when you were born, when you were in high school/college/first job, and now. What kinds of technology did you see and/or use as a student? What has your relationship been to technology,especially related to education?  I’m also happy to hear about your favorite video games or fan fiction websites. 

Category: Technology Autobiography 2024

Read the National Educational Technology Plan (Feel free to use AI to summarize):

  • Introduction, pp. 7-9
  • Digital Use, pp. 10-17
  • Digital Design, pp. 34 – 39
  • Digital Access, pp. 55 – 59

Read Poor Students Face Digital Divide in How Teachers Learn to Use Tech: Seven years old and still an important article about the digital divide

The 2024 Divide

Browse the Digital Promise Digital Equity Website


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