Chapter 9: The Policy Connection

In Chapter 9: The Policy Connection, Meyer addresses the interaction of movements and the policy process.  Using the Bonus Army as an example, Meyer highlights specific techniques employed by protesters in social movements that impact the movements effect on policy.  These techniques include: personally carrying their claims to Washington to bring them to the direct attention of policy makers, not giving in to intimidation or efforts to suppress their demonstrations, and using the media to gain allies across the nation.  Meyer describes effective demonstrations as an expression of a cause, the representation of a constituency, and the analysis of what should be done.


One of the main points Meyer highlights throughout this chapter is that social movements influence, develop, and affect politics over a long period of time and often in unexpected ways (165).  Social movements often get criticized for not having specific goals and showing no focused means of obtaining their goals or enacting specific changes.  However, much of this criticism stems from the issue that social movements cannot create immediate change.  Meyer points out that Madison and the other founders purposefully created our political system in a way that slows the process of political change (168).  The political policy changes that social movements bring about take a long time to pass through the system and much of the process occurs behind closed doors.  Unfortunately, by the time these changes come about, the social movements that called for them are not always given due credit.


Meyer presents an example of this slow political process using the antiwar and antidraft movements of the 1960s.  Although draft regulations did not change much during the Vietnam War, they have changed drastically since then.  The political fallout resulting from the antiwar movement affected the United States foreign policy for nearly thirty years (167).  It also led to more hesitancy before committing troops to foreign missions.  In addition, antidraft movements led policy makers and the military to improve the quality of life of military personnel in an effort to attract and accommodate a stable volunteer military force.  By the time these changes came about, little credit was given to the activists who participated in those social movements.


Keeping these issues in mind, it is interesting to think about what social movements that have occurred recently and are currently in progress will bring about political change in the future.  The OWS movement has been heavily criticized for not having any specific goals and not petitioning for specific changes within the system.  However, it is possible that major changes stemming from this movement have yet to be seen.  What policies may come about that began as reactions to the Occupy movement?

— Laura Bailey

2 thoughts on “Chapter 9: The Policy Connection

  1. I think Meyer uses this chapter to really drive home the individual’s stake in society. He presents an optimistic view that society is not perfect and there is always room for change. However, the bonus army protests and OWS differ in their impact on the American economy, and therefore society as a whole. While legislation exists currently that deters monopoly, many of the establishments OWS argues against are drivers of the American economy. It is difficult to predict the long-term effects of this movement simply because the economy must be stimulated, and big business is often relied on to stimulate it.

  2. It is interesting that you have posed a question about OWS and about how they are often criticized for “not having any specific goals and not petitioning for specific changes within the system.” I am quite an accomplished procrastinator and I stumbled across an interesting article about a possible evolution within the OWS movement. While most people in the movement aren’t for this, a group claiming to be associated with the movement called the “99 Percent Declaration Working Group” They plan to elect 2 delegates, a man and a woman, from each congressional district, DC, and the territories, then have them meet in Philly this summer and put out a list of demands. Hopefully they will be “personally carrying their claims to Washington to bring them to the direct attention of policy makers.”

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