HIV Spread along Mombasa Road, Kenya

HIVAIDS part 3 – Mombasa Road, Kenya (The spread of HIV) – YouTube


This video created by the Salvation Army highlights the spread of HIV in Africa along roads. Truck drivers are interviewed in regard to their role as a transportation vector for the disease. Interviewees recognized the dangers presented by the disease but showed little to indicate a change in behavior. HIV will continue to spread along roads as long as people’s behaviors and awareness do not change because roads allow for more people to come in contact with the disease and allows HIV to spread over vast distances rapidly.


The virus crisis

This National Geographic video highlights how deadly rainforest viruses have transported from their animal hosts, and across continents. West Nile Virus is an example of how the world’s increased globalization has made people more vulnerable to deadly diseases. The virus is native to a very specific ecology of birds and streams in Africa. “No one could have imagined it [West Nile] could have emerged in the concrete jungle of Manhattan and Queens,” said Laurie Garrett, a science writer featured in the video.