The movement of malaria

This audio clip by NPR, New Roads in the Amazon may Deliver Disease, discusses how malaria is spread by the development of roads in the Amazon.  Interviews with researchers in the village of Mazan explain how roads can create corridors for malaria-carrying mosquitoes to travel to isolated villages.  When a local government is blindsided by the positives of building a road, unexpected dangerous consequences can arise form acting too quickly.

AIDS Highway: Spreading an Epidemic through Africa

Journeyman Pictures takes viewers on a tour of Botswana’s Highway #1, nicknamed ‘AIDS Highway,’ and explores the lives of families, doctors, pastors, and communities dealing with the AIDS epidemic along the route. Human movement along the highway, along with high levels of prostitution at truck stops, spreads the disease through the African continent. With limited resources and political interest, it is difficult to educate and provide healthcare for the large number of people affected by AIDS, and the disease continues to spread.