Wildlands CPR

Wildlands CPR is an organization that focuses on reducing and preventing the harmful impacts that roads and railways have on the environment. Their website provides background information about what these harmful effects are as well as the ways in which Wildlands CPR is working to counteract those effects.

Wildlands CPR’s website is broken down in a way that is easy to understand. Information regarding current projects is available as soon as the website is opened. Each project has information about what goals have been set, what has been accomplished so far, as well as background information about why each project is important. Some of the projects listed include reducing the impact that road development has on watershed areas and working with parks to reduce the use of off road vehicles in the parks to protect plant and animal life.

While the website is very large and contains a large amount of information, its organization allows the user to easily maneuver through the information available. This makes the website just the right size no matter how much information is available. Because of the wealth of information available on this site it is able to widen its target audience to include both experts and people looking to learn the basics of what the impacts of road and rail on the environment are.

Overall I believe this is a very useful website that is constructed in a way that allows many people to use it for a variety of different reasons.