Category: Wikidata Visualization Draft

  • Wikidata Visualization: Manga Time! – Tyrone Lee

    Wikidata Visualization: Manga Time!  Wikidata is a massive hub of knowledge. Its structured nature, based on the principles of the web, makes it a powerful resource for researchers, developers, and enthusiasts across the very diverse world. By querying Wikidata, you can tap into a wealth of information, extract insights, and discover connections that were previously…

  • Nicole Burney Project 1    The topic for the table is comic artists in Washington, D.C.. I added filters to narrow the list. The filters included human, male, comic artist, Washington D.C., and country of citizenship. From there, I altered the code by adding ?occupationDescription to get another column in the table. The table contains eleven people and…

  • Emma Rubin visualization

    Link to visualization I chose to highlight the gender gap between men and women in comics. Specifically, my visualization shows women inducted into Will Eisner’s Hall of Fame. Because I was limited to focusing on the few names listed and my visualization does not contain any pictures, I created a simple list, or you…

  • Visualization Project

    Link to Query search: This Visualization is all about where fictional characters are citizens. Whether the character lives in a real country or not, the visualization represents them all. The characters are from different entertainment areas, including comics, books, movies, and others. Most comics creators will either make the fictional character a citizen of…

  • Week 6 WordPress Assignment #4

    Visualization Link: This visualization depicts characters from the DC Universe and shows who they are the enemy of. This is a table visualization that is typically used to organize and group data. In this table there are eight characters listed. Something incredibly cool and helpful is that next to each character featured is a…

  • Wikidata visualization – Jamilah Ganyuma

    Visualization link: This is a table depicting illustrators who have won the Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics, according to Wikidata. A table is typically one of the most common visualizations and one of the simplest. There is not much data in the table, as only four items popped up, and nothing is…

  • Wikidata Query Visualization- Cori   I chose to do a visualization of popular eye colors among humans. The visualization is a bubble chart that shows you the eye colors that have the most occurrence in Wikidata versus the eye colors that do not appear as much. The bubble chart makes it easy to quickly analyze the data that…

  • Wikidata Visualization- Kylee

    Wikidata Visualization      The visualization I chose to do was of the top 100 largest cities in the world. I am depicting the information by putting them in a bar chart from largest to smallest population size. The x axis is showing the name of the city while the y axis is showing…

  • Martin Visualization

    I created a visualization of female cartoonists. I chose female cartoonists because my cartoonist is Hilda Terry, who is a female. Since she was considered a trailblazer for women in the comic writing world, I thought it would be interesting to see how many more female cartoonists there are. My table produced 904 results and…

  • Comics before 2000

      Wikidata Visualization   2. This is a visualization of comic books with inception dates before 2000. This data table shows the Q-Number of each item that is listed, as well as the itemLabel. The itemLabel, in this case is the title of the comic book followed by a brief description where available. The data…