Category: Uncategorized
Data visualization analysis on Gender of Illustrator Grouped by Primary Publication Year
Gender of Illustrator Grouped by Primary Publication Year This visualization shows the distribution of comic book illustrators according to their gender over time. From the Golden Age of Comics to today, you can track changes in gender representation within the industry by grouping illustrators by their primary publication year. Information Shown: The x-axis represents the…
Martin Data Visualization
The Wikidata query I chose was “Causes of death of fictional characters.” It is a bubble graph which I found interesting. It is visually nice because the most common aspects are the largest circles in the graft, so it is easy to identify. The less common aspects are smaller. Ballistic trauma and injury are the…
Visualization – Nicole Burney
The query showing Marvel superheroes and their enemies provides information for the characters of Marvel and shows dynamics of characters. It is a table with four columns. The first column shows the wikidata ID for the character, the second column shows the characters name, the third shows the characters enemies, and the fourth column shows…
Hello world! — A note from Dr. Wigard
Welcome to the RHCS Digital Exhibit on Comic Strips. This will be the home page for the “Intro to Digital Humanities” students’ virtual work for Fall 2023. It is under construction, and purposefully, in flux. We will change it as needed. New pages will be added so that each student has, at least, one page…