Major Assignment #1

Major assignment #1

Wikidata Query Service


For my wiki query project, I chose all of the “Golden Age Comics”. This wiki link brought up a digital visualization of all the comics from the Golden age with the year they came out. I thought that I could use the bubble connection to show the country of origin of these comics from the Golden age. I came up with this due to the country-of-origin link in wiki data that didn’t work for the Golden age section. It makes the bubble connection a lot cleaner to look at and not all over the place. The significance of this was to see where all of these comics came from and how many countries across the globe impact comics. When I went to the “edit visually” tab it only had “inception” which is only the dates of when the comic started. So, I added a tab that shows the country of origin. One positive is that it is easy to see different graphs charts through the visualization tools in the editing section. A Couple of negatives are in my visualization half of the comics don’t have a country of origin due to the lack of information on each individual wiki data of the comic. This shows wiki data is only as good as the information put into it. Another negative in this project was the process of finding a visualization to “hack” a lot of the errors were because it wasn’t broad enough and it was a very narrow search. Which doesn’t help with bigger deeper projects. If we had more time I would’ve liked to see if we could work with a different visualization tool not on wiki data and compare each website. The last negative was if my computer died, or I accidentally deleted the tab I wouldn’t get the query I built back even if I had an account on wiki data. This wiki link wasn’t my first choice, but a lot of the tools didn’t work with including different searches in my other one, so I decided to make my search broader. This project was overall a deeper dive that we as a class needed to do to see how different visualizations and coding can change how we view something.  




