Wikidata Query:
Modified from:

This is a quick Wikidata query I made by modifying an existing network from the SDCC list on comics writers, artists, and cartoonists. I wanted to focus on cartoonists because the original network, while vast and full, was a little too visually busy to understand. I also was more interested in cartoonists given how individual they are in their work.
I didn’t change too much of this SPARQL Query: I just needed to delete two lines of code related to the QIDs for Comics Writer and Comics Artist. However, I know I would struggle trying to create this kind of a network graph on my own. Looking at the code, I think I see how I could end up modifying this to show something like “creator of” instead of just “influenced by.” I’m also thinking that this might be a way to demonstrate relationships between newspaper syndicates, but that might require adding in a lot more Wikidata into each cartoonist’s Item.
One interesting point is that Samuel R. Delany’s network is vast compared to some other creators, owing in no small part to his primary profession as a writer and critic. Given more time, I’d like to try to add in images to demonstrate the humanity behind these connections. I tried doing this, but the query replaced Wikidata items with the…influencee’s image, rather than showing just the unique Wikidata image? So, I ended up with the goofy image below of Gahan Wilson’s photograph taking up the spot of…all of these cartoonists who definitely do NOT look like that!