Martin Data Visualization

The Wikidata query I chose was “Causes of death of fictional characters.” It is a bubble graph which I found interesting. It is visually nice because the most common aspects are the largest circles in the graft, so it is easy to identify. The less common aspects are smaller. Ballistic trauma and injury are the most common so they are the biggest circles. “Shape is very legible, so distinguishing different data types with stars, circles, squares, triangles, and other icons in a chart makes for legibility—provided there are not too many types of data” (The Digital Humanities Coursebook, 98). This graph is circles, so the data is very easy to read, and there is not an overwhelming amount of circles. While it may seem difficult to see the exact number of deaths, all you have to do is wave your mouse over one of the circles. My only critique would be to include the numbers under the title. The graph is very colorful which I like but it could be overwhelming to some people. Overall, the graph successfully illustrates the most common and least common causes of death of fictional characters. Some of the causes of death were very obscure and honestly surprised me. Not all of them are very realistic but it makes sense. If you were writing a report on the causes of death of fictional characters, this graph would be very helpful. “Information visualizations are metrics expressed as graphics. Information visualizations allow large amounts of (often complex) data to be depicted visually in ways that reveal patterns, anomalies, and other features of the data” (The Digital Humanities Coursebook, 99).*)%20AS%20%3Fcount)%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20BIND(wd%3AQ15632617%20AS%20%3Fthing)%0A%20%20%3Fpid%20wdt%3AP31%20%3Fthing%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20wdt%3AP509%20%3Fcid.%0ASERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22%5BAUTO_LANGUAGE%5D%2Cen%22.%20%3Fcid%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3Fcause%7D%0A%7D%0AGROUP%20BY%20%3Fcid%20%3Fcause%0AORDER%20BY%20DESC(%3Fcount)%20%3Fcause



