Longform Virtual Exhibits or Visual Timeline? — Tyrone Lee

Informing Differently

When considering the processes that go into creating a longfrom virtual exhibit and a visual timeline, you can definitely see just how immensely different they are. A timeline virtual exhibit offers a method into a topic via multimedia integration as it utilizes different devices including that of both research and story telling. It allows for the utilization of different complex topics, where one can come into a better understanding via the use of text, images, videos, and other elements about a particular topic. A visual timeline is not only more condenser but explicitly shows the chronological order of certain events and sets of information. As a tool it really is just more simple and easier to grasp with the several timeline milestones along with the points in presents. Timelines make it super easy to highlight text and graphics with the added bonus of conveying information in one of the most efficient ways. As such, both forms of expression are able to give information about any given topic, it just depends if you prefer the use of depth found in a timeline virtual exhibit or the efficiency found within a visual timeline. 



