Graphic Novels with Dr. Alexander Dunst
The class visit from Dr. Alexander Dunst was quite insightful and fun considering the kind of prominent figure he is within this type of space. His visit to our course was both insightful and beneficial in our understanding of what digital humanities is or rather what digital humanities could look like. He shed light on the topic surrounding the rise and growth of graphic novels. Personally, I thought it was very cool to acknowledge the history behind that of graphic novels being a reader of them often. Whether it is shonen jump manga or even the recent works like Heartstopper, graphic novels are really cool. I think its very important to acknowledge where they come from and what they offer to us.
Dr. Dunst highlighted the idea of telling a story in which we understood how graphic novels can do so through various ways. Another thing that was shown was various datasets surrounding particular studies. These datasets can be used to highlight academic research or as an avenue for creative exploration. The idea of datasets was really insightful considering our recent works with the likes of Wikidata and utilizing data to create a visualization.
Visits to class from other community experts are always beneficial and fun, especially in the area that is Digital Humanities. Dr. Alexander Dunst’s visits echoes this idea clearly, as his visit was both really insightful and refreshing. It is without question that you can also take away a lot from experts in academic spaces as they are just as eager to share the knowledge as we are to consume it. Thes expert perspectives both add to the experience of the course and continue to inspire our digital work. Dr. Dunst was great expert to visit the course and his insight was really helpful in my understanding of Digital Humanities.