While listening to Will Kent during the class presentation, it is clear that he is an educated guy. While listening to Mr. Kent, he talked about the history of Wikipedia articles and the initiatives to improve its equity and reputation. He talked about how Wikidata creates lists of articles missing from the English Wikipedia by utilizing versions of the site in other languages. It also enables educators and learners to add content to Wikipedia and keep on top of their work. This effort is part of a broader objective to promote community involvement in broadening Wikipedia and its sources. The objective is to improve Wikipedia’s image, as well as the tools that they offer. After thinking about the class period it is clear that there needs to be more attention brought to this subject. He explained the Wikipedia websites as if they were a Bing or Yahoo compared to Google. After having Will in class my approach to Wikipedia and Wikidata has changed. I now have a greater respect for the creators of Wikidata. I never realized the amount of work and time that it takes to create a page on Wikipedia. The amount of information that needs to be researched and verified is very interesting. I believe that this meeting with Will can increase the amount of community engagement. This engagement can lead to increased Wikipedia pages as well as an increase in the quality of information. After listening to the Zoom call it gave me hope for future online interaction in the education system. I thought that the zoom made it feel very real and alive. I believe that this meeting relates to our assignments on Wikidata. I believe that the zoom created a classroom environment that respects the amount of work that it takes to create these pages, therefore we will also take the time on our assignments and create quality work ourselves.
Will Kent Assignment