Will Kent’s visit was helpful as I gained insight into how Wikidata works and how to use the tool. He explained the tools within Wikidata that further helped with my critical creation. Kent emphasized that Wikidata is for everyone where anyone can add, and edit information on anything within the database. It was a cool experience having someone who knew so much about Wikidata and ultimately helped me better understand Wiki data because at the start I was completely confused. A key takeaway from Kent’s Zoom call is the ability for anyone to add, edit, and delete information because as we know we have to figure out whether what we are looking at is credible or not since anyone is allowed to edit but I can’t remember if he said there has been any problems with the spread of misinformation.
In a digital humanities class, it only makes sense for us to have visitors on Zoom, and I think we should have more. Being in this class I think it’s important to use technologies to gain a better understanding of other technologies or just to gain more information on certain subjects. Zoom also allows us to have visitors from all over the world who may not be able to travel to our university, so it’s a great tool that allows us to have visitors from all over the world to help our class.