Wikidata Visualization
2. This is a visualization of comic books with inception dates before 2000. This data table shows the Q-Number of each item that is listed, as well as the itemLabel. The itemLabel, in this case is the title of the comic book followed by a brief description where available. The data obtained suggests that wikidata is missing a lot of information as this code only returned 186 results at the time of publishing. Some of the results lack a description on their wikidata page and therefore are blanc in the table. For example Kit ‘n’ Carlyle, one of the results only has ‘instance of’, ‘ inception’, and an identifier added to its wikidata page.
After looking at some of the results’ individual pages, it seems that many comics on wikidata are just missing a lot of information which is why my search has returned so little information. My idea was to make a visualization of the authors nationalities, but after finding out that so much information, the visualization would be statistically incorrect or misleading.
3. The most difficult part about this visualization was having to get adjusted to the coding language and understanding it enough to filter the inception data to before 2000 and adjusting my search to return interesting results. For example picking between comics, comic strips, and graphic novels returned a large deviation in the number of results. – i was not able to combine my search (comics + comic strips)
4. I would like to make a graph or a map of some sort, yet the difficult part is to actually pick the category that would return usable results. And it seems like comics in general are lacking data on wikidata. Therefore I would still have to make some more research on the topic and adjust the type of visualization based on how much information wikidata can return on the specific search.