The visualization showcases the a bar graph detailing comic books authors age at the time of publication. There’s a second graph that separates the authors by gender. Typically, a bar graph is an easy way to compare discrete values (88). This visualization accomplishes this, with the x-axis showing the age, which is separated by 5 year intervals and ranges from 15 to 95. The y-axis shows the number of authors in that age range, and goes from 0 to 50. If you hover your cursor over the individual lines in the graph, it shows which author that line represents. I thought it was interesting how most authors published in their early 30s. I was expecting for the 20s range to be higher. I was also surprised by how little female authors were included in the dataset. The highest age range only reaches 10 authors, compared to around 40 for the men. This database does not have every author, however, so the bar graph is not an accurate representation of the actual gap.