Final Project: Moana Defying the Typical Roles of Disney Princess’ and Being a Heroine

22 Oct

For my final project I will look at the movie Moana and the way in which the music depicts her strength, courage and independence. Moana is unlike the Princess’ of the past who need a prince to save them and their people. Moana is able to be a heroine and the music throughout the movie, both lyrics, tone, and instruments, show how she is all she and her people need.

One Reply to “Final Project: Moana Defying the Typical Roles of Disney Princess’ and Being a Heroine”

  1. Nicole, I’m going to ask that you look back at the guidelines for the project and the email I sent out recently and revise your topic accordingly. The project should be music focused (even when working with media), focus on one of the four class themes, and make purposeful links to class material.

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