Manly Gofters

Most would say that the manliest sport in the world is football, rugby, boxing, or mixed martial arts. However, I would say that the manliest sport in the world is Golf. Golf requires focus, resilience, and skill. I must confess, I am miserable at golf.

We have entered a new age where brute strength is no longer as important as strength of character. Our society now rewards individuals who are intelligent and can focus on a single task until it has been completed. Resilience is also important because we must be able to adapt to various situations. The skills that we learn must be applied on a day to day basis in the same way that a golfer must use his set of skills on the golf course at every hole.

When it comes to college sports Football is probably the manliest. Football is arguably not as manly as rugby because there are many players on the field are do not get hit very hard and the ones that do are wearing pads. That being said, I have great respect for football players and they are all very masculine.

We live in a society that rewards many different traits. In America, success does not look that same for everyone. In other countries, there are not nearly as many ways to be deemed as successful. In the United States, success is often correlated with wealth. The more money that people have the more successful people are seen. The skills that help a man attain this wealth vary by which career path he takes.

When thinking about the manliest sport, it is easy to get trapped into thinking about the sports that girls attend or which athletes have the cutest girlfriends.

The idea of manliest sport, profession, or hobby seems to have lost value over the past thirty to fifty years, as the idea for what it means to be a man has become much more broad.