Reflection on Day 4

To the great Emperor Constantine, Ossius, and my fellow council members,

This council has been about unity and peace from the start. We have all made countless compromises for the sake of the church. However, I am significantly worried about the peace of the church going forward. Due to the fact that the Palestinian ecclesiastical capital will now be in the violent city of Jerusalem, I have many concerns for my area, the church, and the empire. This is not just about me losing my authority, it is about the full picture. I think Marcarius will do a commendable job as the metropolitan bishop, but he will face difficulties that would not be faced in Caesarea. The future of the church is at stake, the reason we were even called to the council.

Anyway, this leaves me without much authority considering I am no longer a metropolitan bishop. Thus, the first canon, which I would have been joyful about has left me in no polarizing position. I will support Marcarius in that role and with his heightened authority. However, I hope we can work together and I can help in Palestinian church issues. It is very important to me that not only the larger church is unified, but also the provincial areas are unified within the church. I think it would not be a smart transition for the church to move to Jerusalem without my continued involvement.

I have no qualms over the 2nd canon that was passed. A hierarchy should be just fine. I enjoyed hearing Vito’s arguments over this issue.

I look forward to the coming council days. It should be effective in cementing the future of our church with unity and peace.

Praises to our God,

Eusebius of Caesarea