The Emperor’s Final Reflection

My trusted circle of advisors,

As the council has now drawn to a close, I would like to take a moment to review the outcomes of the council and evaluate its results. On the whole, I am extremely pleased with the results for two main reasons. First, when we arrived at the council, the church was divided, threatening to throw the future of the empire into jeopardy. However, the unanimous or nearly unanimous votes on nearly all matters of significance (and most important, the creed) demonstrate that men from all corners of the empire successfully found common ground on even the most contentious theological questions. Further, I believe that the men of the church will return to their home congregations satisfied, on the whole, with the results. Second, I am thrilled with the sheer amount of work the council was successfully able to take action on and bring to completion. In addition to working out the details of the creed, the council passed eight separate canons and worked out several smaller motions. And while quantity alone is not a sufficient measure of success, I believe that all would agree that the discussions and debate preceding those votes were informative and rooted in each member’s firm theological convictions. While I have already shared on numerous occasions my deep satisfaction with the final version of the creed, I would like to specifically review a few of the canons.

My only true disappointment came with the decision not to link the date for celebrating Easter to the Roman calendar currently being used, as this was a missed opportunity to create unity between the church and the state. With that being said, I was very pleased with the decision to create the position of pope, which will allow for close coordination between the church and the state, and I hope that we can work out issues like these in the future, especially when considered in light of the decision to eliminate future church councils. Aside from this decision, I am quite pleased with the rest of the outcomes, which preserved traditional roles for women in the church, avoided imposing unnecessary conditions for joining the clergy (and therefore allowing for the church and empire to expand), and solidified appropriate norms regarding sexuality. I believe that now, the church will be able to grow in a unified way as followers learn about and come to accept our clearly defined positions. With the force of Rome behind the church, I see no end in sight for the spread of the empire, and can only thank God for the huge successes of this council, while also applauding the work of the participants who worked so hard to support the mission of unity. The future of Christianity is secure.

Long live Rome!

Emperor Constantine