Vito’s Council Reflection – Day 4

Most Gracious Emperor, Ossius, and fellow council members,

This council has been a wondrous affair and will always be remembered. We are doing God’s work by establishing doctrine and governance that will unify the Church. Our previous council meeting went well, but I understand there is still some disagreement regarding the wording of Canon 1. Especially because of the word “primary” because of its use in Canon 2 as well. I am sure this will be discussed tomorrow. Also, I believe we need to discuss future councils. It is important for all Bishops to discuss matters of the Church in their local areas and territories. They should come together with their Metropolitan Bishop to discuss matters in future councils. Councils like the one we are having now should continue in the future. I am very pleased that Alexander and Mellitus were able to come into an agreement. Aries still feels uneasy about the power of the Metropolitans, however I hope he realizes that the Bishop of Rome is always willing work with him on matters regarding the Church. I agree with Constantine that a unified Church will contribute to its growth.

On behalf of Sylvester, thank you for accepting the Bishop of Rome as Primary Bishop of Metropolitans at our past council meeting. However, I am aware that there is some confusion surrounding the Canon #2 voted in yesterday. I believe many of us were making hasty decisions rather than great compromises. The council is in agreement that the Bishop of Rome should be the one above all Metropolitan Bishops to make decisions when split votes occur at future councils. Future councils will ultimately remain the way to resolve conflicts within the Church. The Bishop of Rome (I suggest we discuss a more clear naming) will simply be settler on disputes within the Church and will be in frequent contact with Constantine about Church matters. However I think this is vaguely conveyed in Canon 2, which I would also like to discuss tomorrow.

