Creed (as of 3/29)

“We believe in the One and only true God, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. We acknowledge One God, who is over all and in all and through all; alone Everlasting, Unbegun, All-knowing, Father, Judge, Governor, and Providence of all, unalterable, unchangeable and indivisible, just and good, God of Law and Prophets and New Testament.


We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, Light from Light, true God from true God, Son of God, through whom all things were made. Who for our salvation was made flesh, was crucified and suffered death for the forgiveness of our sins, and rose again on the third day. He ascended into heaven and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will have no end.


And we believe also in One Holy Ghost, in the resurrection of the body, in the life to come, in the kingdom of heaven. We have received this faith from the Holy Gospels, in which the Lord says to his disciples, “Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” And we believe each of these to be and to exist, Father truly Father, and the Son truly Son, and the Holy Ghost truly the Holy Ghost. And in one Catholic Church of God, established throughout the earth.