Third day of the Council – Augustine

The third day of the Council proved to be fruitless. The topic of the nature of Jesus was one that created a lot of tension between the two factions. As an indeterminate I prefer not to choose between the two factions but because of certain circumstances I have had to agree with the Alexandrians and therefore voted against the Creed that proposed to remove the words “co-eternal” and voted to remove “of similar substance” on the third day. We were also not able to discuss the Holy Spirit because the two factions were debating over the words “co-eternal” and “similar substance.” I have to be honest, it was a difficult session but I feel that we were at least able to agree on most of the sentences that were in the second part of the Creed (the topic of the nature of Jesus) in the previous session. In a way you can say the Alexandrian faction won because in the end our votes for disagreeing with taking out “similar substance” was and is still being taken into consideration. I agree with Melitius when he said that if we put forth a Creed the rest will follow. As of now, I have no reason to disagree with the Alexandrians or the Arians but because circumstances concerning the canons I believe the Alexandrian belief is the only way to go about it.