Council Day 3-Meletius

The conversations the council has been having regarding the nature of the son have been pretty uneventful for me. I initially stood up and attempted to fight for my beliefs about having no creed, but Constantine quickly and clearly shot that idea down. Now I still stand torn between the two sides, even though my beliefs strictly align with the Alexandrian’s. I understand their want and desire to have the words “co-eternal” etc., considering that is the foundation of their entire belief system. I also think they had compromised a decent amount in the wording and structure of the creed, and the Arians are the ones who are taking it too far in their refusal to compromise. Many of the Alexandrian’s are posing several ideas to ensure that both sides get what they want in the creed but the Arians are simply not budging. I didn’t think it was necessary or appropriate for Arius to say that if he doesn’t get what he wants he will leave the church. That does not represent the want or need for unification if someone makes threats as soon as they don’t get what they want. In order to move forward, we must all make slight adjustments. Regardless of what the creed says, everyone will continue to go on and believe what they initially thought, so I don’t think the addition of one word here and there would make an entirely huge difference. Yes it will clear up the belief system a little bit more, but as for overall mass differences, nothing will change. We need to move on in order to discuss all the topics that will actually make a difference in our community –like who holds power and who will be let into the church and when we will celebrate holiday’s. These affect our everyday lives, so I think we should be able to move on an prioritize what would affect us immediately.